Aaron Helton

Facilis descensus Averno: Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis; Sed revocare gradium superasque evadere ad auras, Hoc opus, hic labor est.

tags: #observation #SliceOfLife

Perhaps you'll walk today. God knows it's a good day for it, one of the nicest in months, and you've always liked getting the exercise anyway. The sun is out and everything. Perhaps the sidewalk will have filled with the people whom you suspect of springing forth merely to be observed by you (rest assured, they suspect the same of you). If you are pensive or brooding today, you might like some earbuds. When you're young enough, they'll do to drown out the existential questions for a while. That trick gets harder as you age, though. It might even be the case that the truly young need never hear the thrum-thrumming of the existential just beneath the surface of the conscious, but to those who have been forced to confront it, or those with the ears to hear it, it pounds like a war drum in a primeval forest. Or perhaps today is the day you'd like to take on those questions, mull them over a bit, chew on them like gristle, hoping something worthwhile emerges. Your choices are the direct approach and the oblique one. So far you've not made much progress with the direct approach.

Perhaps as you walk by, you'll glance up at the Castrofilippo Society and wonder, not for the first time, what it actually is, and knowing that you won't bother to look it up later. Perhaps you'll overhear a bit of conversation from a passing couple. “Thank you for saving me,” says the woman to the man. It's a curious enough line that you might wonder what it means. And later on, perhaps you'll hear your children talking to their friends on the way to school, and you will suddenly realize your sons are rising while your own ball of fire hurtles through space to its horizon. As you walk, it will have occurred to you multiple times to adjust this or that piece of clothing, even though you're convinced that appearances mean nothing to you.

On this same walk, you have nodded your greeting to the crossing guard each time. Today maybe she'll say she's retiring soon. This year or maybe next. Or perhaps you and all the other pedestrians will be standing on the corner while drivers with varying understandings of the laws of physics plow through intersections. You've witnessed accidents here in the past, but fortunately never those involving pedestrians.

Down the road, perhaps you'll walk through or near the picket line outside a grocery store, where some of the workers have blown the whistle on one or another practice they've observed within the walls of the store. You'll maybe read the signs that admonish the workers for lying, or the ones that prohibit photography in the store, and they'll remind you of some documentaries you've seen in the past.

Because the wheels are already turning in your head, and because you've maybe chosen to walk, today will be the day that all the disconnected thoughts intruding on every contemplation will resolve themselves with a crystal clarity, and you'll scribble some notes on paper to get them out of your head. Perhaps you'll write something useful down before the clarity fades, and the things you want to say complete their metamorphosis to ephemera, blown like ash on the wind. Perhaps today you'll get to say just what you've always wanted to say, instead of forgetting the moment your fingers touch the keyboard and a single speck of dust, undisturbed since its settling there the night before, falls between the keys.

As you walk, you'll wonder again whether it's delivery day at the butcher shop. Despite your origins in places known for processing meat, you hadn't actually seen a butcher shop before moving here, and the sight is always a curiosity to you, especially on delivery day. On delivery day, men in white aprons smudged with blood cart the stiff-legged, frozen carcasses of goats from within their freezer trucks. The goats are skinless, of course, their lidless eyes condemning you for their fate. You'll smugly remind yourself that you aren't complicit in their murder, because you are a vegetarian and only murder plants. If the frozen goats don't provide enough reminder, the sight of them hanging in the window, plastic bags wrapped around their downturned heads to catch the blood that drips past their bared teeth, usually does the trick.

By this point you will have nearly reached the train station, and your only hope is that the trains are running on time, and that you won't be late to work. You could have taken the bus. It was an option. But it's a nice day, and perhaps you thought a walk would be better.

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tags: #observation #SliceOfLife

It’s hard to imagine that some or all of this could be under water one day. The models show the possibility, though. They also show that this neighborhood could withstand a bigger force than Sandy. That’s only reassuring until you remember that by the time it hit, Sandy was a ghost of its former self, registering at the lowest setting for the definition of hurricane.

Perhaps I’ll walk down Ditmars today. Anyway there’s something to drop in the mail, and why cross the street in the wrong direction even if the walk to the train is longer than the walk to the bus? With my luck I’d miss the bus anyway. You can hardly plan for buses.

Spring in New York City divides the people into distinct thirds. The first third, hesitant to admit it’s actually Spring, insist on wearing heavy coats or at least jackets no matter the temperature outside. The second third grasp Spring with their entire being and eschew the jackets, though they still dress sensibly enough according to temperature. And the final third, well, they’ve skipped the season entirely and seem to believe it is in fact Summer.

Of all the streets I’ve seen in the city, and I have seen many now, I think my favorite is Steinway. I live near, but not on it. One would think my favorite should be Ditmars. But no, it is Steinway. I’ve been up and down it now more times than I can count, on foot at multiple paces, by bus and by taxi. Only the hard-working delivery people are crazy or desperate enough to do it by bike, I think. Steinway is not a pretty street, and indeed there are stretches of it that are decidedly ugly. But it is beautiful in other aspects. On a given evening, especially in the hot summers, you can find the smoke from the kebab trucks mingling with the shisha smoke issuing forth from the bustling hookah bars. The young arrive here from elsewhere on their dates, dropped off by black cabs. Over there a backgammon game, and over here a chess game. A football match is on, maybe the same on all televisions, or maybe different ones. Some of the signs I can read, but many I can’t. It doesn’t matter. Get Lebanese food here, Egyptian fare there, or stop by for some empanadas a bit further down the road. Halal, says the sign on the butcher shop.

The city presents a curious juxtaposition of nationalities even as it forces them to intermingle to a large degree. In the North of Queens live the Greeks, and in the South of Brooklyn live the Russians. If history should replay itself in this new geography, Cyril would have to walk a mere ten or fifteen miles toting his letters to the Russian people. South instead of North. In the intervening spaces live a hundred other nationalities. Though the borders of the neighborhoods are porous, one can begin to sense them through careful observation of the train passages. Perhaps it’s just the 7 train that’s like this, but I’ve been on others and seem to have noticed the same phenomenon. Each new stop changes the balance of nationalities ever so slightly until once suddenly realizes that it has finally tipped decisively, only to have the process repeated at each new stop.

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tags: #burial #FuneraryGenomics #DNA

Rosetta Disk

To simultaneously save burial space and nod to posterity, we should cremate our bodies and leave a permanent artifact bearing our genome.

In thinking through all of the various human misgivings about our own death, I struck upon an idea that, at first, may sound sort of crazy. Naturally, I am doing what everyone with crazy ideas does these days: I’m writing about it online. This particular idea has to do with how we approach death and burial from both forward and backward looking perspectives, as well as the emerging field of personal genomics. Additionally, it touches on the subject of really long term preservation (which, for humans, is anything over 1,000 years, really).

I am not going to spend a lot of time discussing the pros and cons of cremation, and in fact I don’t much care about what happens to the body. That’s sort of the point here. Find the method that is most environmentally sound and do that.

On Burial

Many ideas have been advanced to explain the various funerary customs humans practice. We have tended to bury our dead rather than leave them in the open, but the particular methods and ritual accompaniments varied across societies. Burials that do not completely destroy the bodies are fundamentally preservative, in that they protect the remains from scavengers. One effect of this is that we can dig up our ancestors and study their remains. It is sometimes possible to engage in DNA sequencing to establish relatedness in broad terms, as well as to detect the history of diseases and such. To the extent that we can learn useful things from our ancestors, we ought to be thankful for their superstitions.

Today, however, traditional burials in many countries take up growing amounts of space. While we may not all be in danger of being overwhelmed by our dead, it is clear that greater populations will place a strain on cemetery capacities, and there are environmental costs to consider. We could do worse than finding better ways of dealing with the bodies. Cremation is one such alternative, in that it reduces the volume taken up by a human body to a mere fraction of the original. We are mostly water and soft tissues; what’s left after cremation is bone fragment, and that’s usually ground into a fine powder that fits in urns.

But with cremation, especially if it is universally practiced, I think we lose some ability to inform our own posterity about who and what we were. Ground up bone fragments in an urn may not be as scientifically interesting or useful 2500 years from now. I doubt there is enough DNA remaining to sequence later, and so techniques we’ve developed and refined for looking backward may be of less use to our descendants.

Unless we preserve our genomes, that is.

Funerary Genomics

What if, instead of leaving potentially useful DNA lying around in our mouldering bones (or worse, destroying it), we left an artifact containing our individual genome instead? We would want something that can last indefinitely, I would think, which rules out these campy digital memorials. There aren’t many choices, but anyway we can look to work already done in the arena of long term thinking for some ideas. That means we have to turn to the folks at the Long Now Foundation. Go and read about what they are doing when you get a chance.

Of particular interest to the concept of Funerary Genomics (as I am choosing to call this), is the Rosetta Project. Specifically, I am interested in the Rosetta Disk, which is an extreme-longevity micro-etched disc. The completed prototype is a disc 3 inches across, made of nickel alloy, and micro-etched with some 13,000 pages of information that can be read with a microscope. It is surrounded by glass that serves to magnify some of the text and to protect the disc itself.

Now, while 13,000 pages sounds like a lot of information, it’s actually not. Assume for a moment that one such page represents about 400 words. That’s about 5 million words total. We don’t know exactly how many characters, but even if there were 10 characters per word (accounting for spaces and everything, this is still overshooting it), we are talking about maybe 50 million characters. As a comparison, the human genome is 3 billion characters. Transcribing a genome on paper at a readable font size takes maybe 50,000 pages or so. The bad news is that this is a considerable amount of information to transcribe. The good news is that it’s not really that much more. The even better news is that we can already do it, and in fact the human genome will be etched onto the diamond included in the KEO time capsule.

The Cost

Upshot: who knows?

Longer version: it depends on what happens to the price of personal genomics, the availability of mass-scale micro-etching, and how much the supplies for all of this cost.

The cost of personal genomics is set to fall below $1000 by 2014. Don’t balk now. If you bought a coffin, you’d pay far more than that for a bunch of silk and fancy trim that’s just going to rot in the ground.

I’ll freely admit I have absolutely no idea what it costs to do micro-etching. I can tell from a quick search that the most robust techniques were developed in Los Alamos to document nuclear waste storage. The process used in this application resulted in over 100,000 pages of documentation per 2.8” disc, so it appears to be the process we would want to use.

I can imagine charging something like $5,000 for something like this. Maybe more, especially if I were to store the artifacts in vaults or something. Remember, it is a personalized object, perhaps the most personal of personalized objects. Even if such an enterprise were not attractive to most people, there is certainly a percentage of the population that would pay for this.

(Note: This is an article recovered from my old blog, now defunct. It was originally published on 23 May, 2012. The text has been cleaned up slightly to reformat headings and footnotes, and it has been spellchecked, but no other formatting has been done.)

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tags: #magic #technology #DnD #gaming

What I am about to explore are the ramifications of abundantly available magic in a society, such as the many, many examples presented in popular fantasy literature and role-playing games. I am doing so out of the belief that many instances of magic in fantasy settings amount to inscrutable black boxes, which means that magic itself is rarely examined or improved upon. That is, it may ACT like a technology, but is rarely TREATED as one. This discussion seeks to investigate fantasy-style magic in terms of technology, in a blatant inversion of Arthur C. Clarke’s famous maxim regarding technology and magic.

The inversion reads like this: Magic (use) is indistinguishable from any sufficiently advanced technology. Put a different way, I would say that the use of magic, if it is abundant, reliable, and useful, must be considered a technology. There are a number of components and assumptions we have to tease out, though, before we can further examine how such a technology is likely to affect a human social order.

First let’s establish that the use of magic is a technology. Any number of us may be tempted to assume that the use of magic in fantasy settings is an emergent property of human evolution. This places it alongside language and the ability to devise and use tools. Both of these are features of humanity, and though we share them both with many other species, especially the other apes, we have specialized ourselves in language and tool development to a greater extent than our relatives.

While our understanding of tools is part and parcel of our animal brains, the actual tools we develop are not. There was nothing particularly inevitable about the development of writing, and indeed today there are a great many people who function perfectly well without it. Writing is a mere tool, a technology. But look at the things it enabled us to do (whether we should have or not is a far different discussion). Similarly, other tools we devise harness the emergent properties of other natural phenomena, including the interaction of chemicals (cooking), the various applications of physical force (chopping down trees), and the life cycles of plants and and animals (agriculture, among other things). These are technologies.

The key difference between an emergent property and a technology based on it is the effect it has on other processes. Language alone is not sufficient to influence the workings of the world, but it does enable an ambitious and intelligent ape species to develop increasingly specialized tools and process refinements that in turn can be used to harness other natural processes. A properly shaped stone in the hands of a chimpanzee can enable the ape to extract nutrients from hard-shelled nuts, but the same stone in the hands of a human can be further shaped, attached to a stick, and used to chop down a tree. (Both are technologies, by the way.)

We should realize by now that the dividing line between a natural process and a technology is somewhat arbitrary. After all, we couldn’t say for sure that the evolution of photosynthesis isn’t a technology; it is the harnessing of some natural processes, and refinement happens through natural selection. Any attempts to assign or deny agency to those individuals involved in the process seems simplistic, but we also cannot go chasing down every permutation of the argument. For now, let’s just focus on the human thread and argue, however feebly, that there would be a meaningful distinction between natural magic use and non-natural (i.e., human) magic use.

At this point, we need to make something else clear. Magical forces, insofar as they are explicated in their settings, represent a natural process, like the nitrogen cycle or mammalian reproduction. We will assume a baseline ambient magical force, something akin to that in the Star Wars canon, but which enables those who can harness and use it to create effects as outline in, for instance, the 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Core Rulebooks. We can, if we like, just assume that 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons is typical of what we will find in fantasy literature (it’s not remotely the case, but for our purposes, it will suffice since there are many clones of it). So that’s what we’ll do.

The harnessing and refinement of ambient magical forces for use as tools make magic use a technology. That’s the maxim we are going to have to stick with for now.

Now that we’ve established that magic use is a technology, let’s examine some of the characteristics of magic in technological terms. I won’t suggest that the magic = technology equation is falsified if these characteristics aren’t present, but it certainly helps our case if they are. And anyway, assuming our baseline ambient magical force, these characteristics are present more often than not.

  • Magic is abundant. In our baseline, magical forces are assumed to exist everywhere. This counts as abundance for our purposes. Note that this also means that magical forces are always operating, even if nobody is aware of them. (Think gravity for a real-world analog.)
  • Magic is reliable. Reliability means that the process works the same way every time, and that cause and effect are easy to predict; predictability means that we can design tools that make use of the forces in question without needing to understand how they work. Returning to gravity for an example, we need not understand gravity’s mechanism to design tools that take advantage of it. Its reliability means that we can develop large projectile weapons like catapults and trebuchets simply by experimentation, observation and extrapolation (things we happen to be good at). Reliable magic will be the same. If the same combination of verbal, somatic, and material components result in the appearance of a fireball, then magic is reliable and predictable. If it is reliable and predictable, then we can, through experimentation, observation and extrapolation, determine how to make bigger or smaller fireballs, or to do something different with the fire we’ve conjured.
  • Magic is useful. Our third characteristic is usefulness. We must assume that usefulness is what makes magic worth pursuing in the first place. All technologies can be judged in terms of their usefulness to those who developed them. If magical forces existed but could not be harnessed in useful ways, no technologies would arise as a result, and we could expect magic to be feeble and unspectacular if anyone even bothered with it. But in our baseline example, magic is not feeble or unspectacular. It has been harnessed to be useful. A word of caution is in order here, though. Just because a force or process is not obviously useful today, that does not mean it can’t be harnessed later. A prime example is electricity. Humans and human ancestors had presumably observed lightning for 200,000+ years without being able to harness it. Even when they eventually did begin to generate their own electricity, it probably wasn’t obvious that the old chemical batteries bore any resemblance to lightning. (Also, who even knows what Baghdad’s inhabitants would have powered with their batteries?) That is to say, we humans have only found electricity useful for a fraction of a percent of our longevity as a species. All of this is a long way of saying that technology builds on technology.

With these characteristics in mind, let’s examine magic-enabled human civilizations through a couple of different lenses. The first lens is the progression from discovery of magical forces through a few stages of refinement. We can’t say with any certainty what the end-state of magic use refinement looks like, just as we can’t say now what the end-state of our technologies based on harnessing gravity looks like. So we need the second lens, which is where the technology of magic use fits into the various stages of development we’ve undergone so far. Again, this is a difficult and likely error-prone exercise if for no other reason than the presence of magic would have shaped human civilizations in ways we might not even be able to imagine. But we’ll try.

Discovery, Harnessing and Refinement

Putting aside for the moment that a great number of modern peoples and individuals believe in all sorts of magic today, from gods to mystical quantum forces to positive thinking, we can assume that the discovery of a real magical force would give rise to a great deal of misunderstanding that limited its uses. What’s particularly unclear is whether spirit magic would have been potent or not; my guess is that fundamental misunderstandings about the world and its many physical and chemical processes would preclude repeatably testable magic where spiritual explanations had already been offered.

The earliest attempts to harness magic, therefore, would have been those that produced the most direct, tangible results. Moving or otherwise physically interacting with objects, especially heavy ones, and people (including the self) would likely have been chief among these. Anything that augments or replaces particular tools would have been valuable. Harnessing so-called elemental forces (to make fire, for instance) would have been beneficial if methods could be determined. And transporting people or objects would also have been incredibly useful.

A close second would have involved facilitation of communication. Signs, signals, language conversions, and long-distance communication seem like plausible uses for early magic. How the presence of magic in early human social settings would have affected their development is anyone’s guess, but I surmise that a long history with magic would result in a human-like species that is otherwise completely alien to us. But let’s not let a little truth deter us.

Discovery of magic is likely to have been the result of observation, first and foremost. After all, how can we know a thing exists if we haven’t observed it? Even without explicit words for it, our ancestors would have known about gravity. Their understanding of it may have been primitive, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t use it. Let go of an object and it will fall to the ground. Throw it in the air, and it will eventually come back down. Birds, then, must have been magical without an understanding of the physics of flight. Just as our ancestors drew conclusions about the way the world must have worked from observing it, the discovery of magic would have been predicated on some observation. What this means is that magical forces, to be discoverable in the first place, must have been observable in nature without human direction.

We can use the discovery of fire as a ready analogy. It is presumed that humans encountered fire somewhere in their habitat and learned to collect it. I am certain it was as fascinating to early humans as it is to modern ones, and they would have taken note of it, experimented with it. Eventually they must have worked out a reliable and predictable set of properties, and through observation they discovered other processes that resulted in some of the same characteristics. For instance, friction creates heat, and fire is hot. Experimentation would yield a method to transform friction into fire, which is what we indeed see with any number of surviving hunter-gatherer groups today.

Let’s posit a scenario by which early humans discover the magical forces of the world. Suppose that magic works just like the rules outlined in our baseline source material, the 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Core Rulebooks. Many spells are combinations of specific verbal utterances, gestures (somatic components) and materials. To successfully cast a spell, all components must be present, and the correct procedure must be followed. (Because this is magic, we can’t be sure what happens if the components or procedures are slightly off, or why some combinations work and others don’t. That’s where real-world analogies lose their usefulness to our discussion.) A typical ancestral human ventures out one day to hunt one of the plentiful game animals nearby. As he moves through the terrain, suppose he finds a feather from a giant bird (one known to snatch children and carry them away). Perhaps he utters some words about how he wishes he could fly, then makes some movements or gestures (swatting at flies or sidestepping a snake). By luck, he has all of the ingredients for a spell to make him levitate off the ground! He will spend the rest of his life attempting to replicate it, and he will do so many times, to the delight of the other members of his tribe. He has just discovered magic and created a tool out of it. Within a few generations, it is common for members of this tribe to fly around its hunting grounds, using that advantage to extend its range and perfect its hunting techniques. By further experimentation, the tribe will have discovered at least one or two more useful applications of this discovery.

Refinements to this magic would have happened as quickly as any other tool use, which is to say it would vary. As tribes encountered one another, it is doubtful they would hesitate to show off their magical prowess, but once such a thing is revealed, it can be learned and repeated like a language. New methods and effects would show up more or less continually as the tribes had time to investigate and practice. We could eventually expect dozens of variations on the fireball, or levitation, or speed enhancements. As the number of known spells grew, specializations might have arisen. But one thing is certain: everyone who had interest would have been able to practice magic, and almost certainly everyone would have been able to perform the most basic spells, since they would have made life so much easier.

Magic in the Stages of Human Development

Our second lens is our own history of human development. If magic had existed when we were all living as hunter-gatherer tribes, it’s difficult to imagine human societies needing much more without the threat of environmental changes. The fact that we’ve developed into what we are now stands as likely proof that some environmental shift occurred that spurred us to create and/or extend agriculture and eventually our modern societies, and we didn’t have magic to mitigate it. If we are to create an analogous timeline for magic-using humans, we have to assume that environmental changes were too great to be met with nascent magic use, or that accretion of magical technologies benefitted more from less mobile lifestyles.

We’ve already covered in pretty good detail what the discovery of magic would have been like for ancestral hunter-gatherer humans. I can’t conceive of a likely scenario in which magical forces have always existed but weren’t discovered prior to the rise of agriculture, so I’m going to assume that prehistoric discovery is the the most plausible scenario. That leaves us with at most two steps in our refinement process during the long agricultural period and the same number during the industrial and post-industrial periods.

During the agricultural era, practitioners of magic are still incredibly widespread. If it’s easy enough to learn, this is quite unlikely to change without some very drastic measures. And since it was discovered prior to the rise of written language, it has to be somewhat easy to learn. However, as human societies become more complex, their repertoires of spells grow considerably. It will eventually become necessary to catalog all the known spells, an endeavor that will be undertaken almost as soon as writing appears. We can surmise this because the first libraries in our timeline appeared within a thousand years of written language, and the earliest uses of writing were primarily for business/economic purposes.

Spells of most use will be those facilitating communication (to maintain complex social orders), warfare, the movement of large objects (to build large structures like palaces and monuments), the curing of diseases and injuries, and those affecting crop yields and animal husbandry. Many will attempt to control the weather, and many will seek to prolong their lives or the lives of others. Thus the possible steps are: 1) discover some new spell; 2) refine one or more existing spells to achieve better results. Because of the administrative machinery necessary to oversee property systems, permanent classes of bureaucrats appear. In our timeline, organized religions also appeared. We can guess that magic will either have its own set of dedicated practitioners, or they will be subsumed by religious or bureaucratic orders. Either way, some subset of the population will be dedicated to perfecting magic in a rigorous manner.

This continues to happen more or less unabated for generations, enough time that agricultural humans will have forgotten their ancestral roots and formed cultures based around property and individuals. Wars and disasters will shape who knows what at any given time, and knowledge may be lost only to be rediscovered later. Eventually, the development of magic becomes a scientific endeavor. Industrial technologies are augmented with magical means, and humanity probably resembles some version of Steampunk. Spells to increase understanding, replace or improve human cognition, solve problems, and perform most or all of the preceding functions are the ones that are most useful. These spells, along with those for ever faster conveyances, better communications, and better resource extraction mean that humans probably never really need to develop cars or cell phones or computers. Thus we can’t say meaningful things beyond the industrial period.

The Problem with Magic in Fantasy Settings

But almost none of this is what we see in fantasy, is it? And why not? The most obvious reason is that fantasy, despite the kinds of wizard/goblin/demon inclusions that make upstanding religious people uncomfortable, is deeply conservative. It assumes an almost eternally unchanging narrative, in contradiction to the chaos of the real world. It is always backward-looking, quite often serving as monarchist apologetics, and incredibly resistant to external forms of change. Magic is not a scientific pursuit in most settings, and where it has even a hint of science behind it, such settings also include a cascade of things that are unexplainable in scientific terms. Our baseline setting has scant rules for creating new spells, but they are so unattractive that it’s hard to imagine how any magic was discovered in the first place.

Aside from the insistence in fantasy settings that magic and technology be diametrically opposed, they almost universally posit implausible administrations around magic use, without explaining how so much power could be concentrated in so few hands. Unlike money, magical forces exist as a tappable resource all around the people inhabiting these worlds. The likely humble origins of magic discovery mean that it is incredibly democratic. Anyone could learn how to do it, just like anyone could learn how to cook. Talent affects the outcome, and intensive training increases access to spells, but even without these, successive generations of humans could and would replicate the discovery of magic even if all of the most powerful wizards were locked in the tallest tower together.

All of this I think leads up to my sincere advice for writers, either of fantasy literature or role-playing games. If you’re going to include magic, I highly suggest you think about what that means for the people who live in your world. You need to be able to answer questions like why the presence of magic in the world and its use by that world’s inhabitants didn’t prevent them from adopting agriculture; or why only some people can use magic and not others.

I hope this article gives you some sense of what magic can do to a society if it’s treated as the technology it should be, and I am interested to hear what others have to say about it. If I get good enough (or any) response, I would like to revisit this topic in the future, so be sure and let me know if I’ve gotten anything wrong, missed anything, or could have clarified anything better.

(Note: This is an article recovered from a now-defunct blog. It was originally published on 28 November, 2011. I have made some edits for clarity and to blunt some of the overly critical aspects, but the thrust of the article remains the same as the original.)

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